Why Choose

Savings Potential

Excellent Protection

Worldwide Coverage

We help you discover any protection inclusions that are ideal for you.

Travelshield is global travel assistance companies in the Asian region, ensuring the traveling public has the level of care and support expected of a world-class travel insurance and medical assistance offer. We are sure that you will feel pride and relief with TSS Assist which is a comprehensive consulting programmed available 24×7 for worldwide travel& lifestyle assistance with domestic road side assistance. We hope that you will take advantage of the many benefits that come with according to selected plan.

Documents and Communication

  • Assistance with lost travel documents or passports.
  • Live email and phone messaging to family and friends.
  • Emergency message relay service.
  • Multilingual translation and interpretation services.

Medical Assistance and Managed Care

  • Medical case management, consultation and monitoring. Medical Transportation.
  • Dispatch of a doctor or specialist.
  • Referrals to local medical and dental service providers.
  • Prescription drug replacement.
  • Worldwide medical information, up-to-the-minute travel medical advisories, and immunization requirements.

Pre-trip Information

  • Destination guides (hotels, restaurants, etc.)
  • Weather updates and advisories.
  • Passport requirements.
  • Currency exchange.
  • Health and safety advisories.

Travel Arrangements

  • Arrangements for last-minute flight and hotel changes.
  • Luggage Locator (reporting/tracking of lost, stolen or delayed baggage)
  • Hotel finder and reservations.
  • Airport transportation.
  • Rental car reservations and automobile return.
  • Coordination of travel for visitors to bedside.
  • Return travel for dependent/minor children.
  • Assistance locating the nearest embassy or consulate.
  • Cash transfers.
  • Assistance with bail bonds.

TSS TAG 24*7 To avail better protection for your luggage and valuables during your travel across the globe (any destination or mode of transport) our NFC & QR coding tag can be strapped to your baggage. You will be also facilitating with an online luggage tracking system that can be used at anytime day or night with TSS Tag service plus member.


All services provided by TSS Tag are on a best effort basis, TSS Tag will ensure in recommending service provider for the service. However, the members/member’s family is advised to use their judgment prior to availing of the service from the provider. TSS Tag will not be accountable, responsible or liable for civil or criminal liability due to any failure of the services rendered by the service provider or for death /damages/ injuries /accidents loss/third party liabilities/loss to property arising out of/as a consequence of the service availed by members/member’s family from third party providers. Travelshield Services Pvt. Ltd. will not be responsible and cannot be held liable for any loss caused and/or damage suffered in case the baggage cannot be traced. Travelshield Services Pvt Ltd. will not be responsible and cannot be held liable for any theft and/or for loss of goods from the baggage and/or damage to the baggage. Travelshield Services Pvt. Ltd. is not an Insurance Company, It offers Travel Insurance as an add on benefit along with its TSS Tag membership .The insurance policies are underwritten by the IFFCOTOKIO General Insurance Company Ltd. Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For details on these risk factors, terms and condition, please read the policy terms and condition carefully before concluding a sale.